Powerful & secure data revenue

sovrn data monetization

Access powerful new sources of recurring income while respecting privacy and security.

Show the cookieless future who’s boss.

Access the Sovrn Data Collective


Daily readers


Daily page views



Tap the world’s largest publisher collective for deep consumer insights and enriched audience data. Then get out there and rule the roost.

100% Additive

Optimize content by seeing which pages are driving revenue.

Always secure

All data is hashed and anonymized before distribution to data partners.

Flexible & scalable earnings

Whether it’s per click or per acquisition, you get paid more.

Email monetization

Get a new monthly revenue source with no risk to you or your users. Combine email monetization with Sovrn advertising products and get paid twice for the same user.

Mobile data monetization

Create a powerful new recurring revenue stream. It’s simple and secure, and there’s no maintenance or upkeep.

• Mobile linkage data
• In-app data
• Location data