Analytics Monetization Tools & Tech

Significant Upgrade to Sovrn Platform Improves Performance, Reliability & Revenue

sovrnmarketing // June 12, 2017


With a portfolio of nearly 100,000 sites, which collectively reach around 1 billion unique internet users per month (that’s 1/3 of total web users), Sovrn feels strongly that preventing downtime, delivering real-time reporting and optimizing the performance of our platform are all extremely important.

In March of 2017 we started a major upgrade to our platform, which we’re now pleased to announce was completed at the end of May.

What was the upgrade?

The Sovrn platform is comprised of three tiers: (i) Delivery – Ad Serving (ii) Data – Streaming Pipeline (iii) Analytics – Reporting Insights.

Our upgrade addressed all three tiers in order to guarantee stability, scale for business growth, and enable the best ad-serving technology for the job when building new features, on behalf of our publishers.

As we continue to grow internationally (we launched our London office in April 2016 through the acquisition of Signal), we have expanded our regional ad delivery footprint with multiple data center providers. This expansion will help to improve publisher yields by reducing latency between our publisher supply and our demand integrations. It will also continue to provide the capacity needed to guarantee consistently fast performance and high availability.

In addition, we also took the opportunity to implement a new more flexible platform architecture as part of the migration. The new architecture is designed to improve scalability by running our software in an elastic configuration, so we can easily increase or decrease capacity.

The migration included a move to new data centers with high speed dedicated networks and on-demand server capacity. This ensures that we deliver stability and consistent performance.

Furthermore, analytics processing has now been moved to cloud hosting, enabling our data scientists to use best-of-breed tools to greatly improve publisher business insights, expand our data solutions, and optimize bidding algorithms to help deliver more revenue to our publishers.

A trusted platform

Many ad tech companies like Sovrn are being challenged to process increasingly larger request volumes, generated through the evolution of header bidding and other innovative revenue generation tools. We have intentionally designed our new platform to easily adjust capacity based on ad volume coupled with an increasing number of demand integrations. This enables the business to target high yield supply for publishers.

We also have the ability to tune capacity in order to maintain expenses at the level needed to sustain our business growth and the longevity expected of a trusted platform.

Never satisfied, we will continue to keep improving our platform for the benefit of our publishing partners. We are committed to absolute reliability and speed, and we are always improving, so you can rely on Sovrn for uptime, speed, and agility.

If you’d like to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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